Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How many meetings can you do in one day?

I'm a planner... a multi-task planner. I try my best to thing of not just the big picture but also of all the niddy-gritty details. So when I planned four wedding-related meetings in one day. I left padding for traffic, coffee break, and misc just to be sure I would not be late. So... in two weeks, I will be able to check some major things off my list and feel like I can breathe a bit easier.

Onto my schedule:

10am --first dress fitting. Since I have yet to meet my alteration lady, I padded the schedule with enough time to chat, try on the dress, let her do her thing, and other things people do when they take their dress in.

1145ish --approval centerpieces at florist. Should be the quickest meeting of them all!

1pm --Food tastings of what will be served at dinner for the wedding. Figured 1.5 hours was enough time to eat, finalize details and whatnot.

3pm --The most anticipated meeting of the day. The Cake Tasting. Finalize and write yet another check to another vendor. Just because we are having cupcakes doesn't mean we don't get to taste too! :)

5pm --Laydown and sleep the rest of the day! (somewhere between laying down and sleeping, gotta feed our pet mafia and other misc chores)...

That is my schedule. I wonder how well we can stick with it for that day without being late to any of our meetings... Did you ever double book yourselves with wedding related meetings?


joshua said...
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Still a Miss. said...

You are a bride after my heart! I am a multi tasking planner too! On a given weekend (only totally free day) I could have many things planned. I even had my bridesmaids in on it to the point they would call me on Thursday or so and ask what were the wedding errands this weekend and they would see if they could be of any help. The best part of being this type of well orginized bride, I did most of my planning months ago. So now that I am in the last month before the wedding I really can sit back and enjoy(almost)...