Thursday, April 9, 2009

Becoming More Green

So I had a few goals that didn't make the to-do list for the year. One of them was to become more green with our lifestyle. Sure we recycled, but not everything. Now, we look at everything we throw out and make an effort to recycle it. We have our own water bottles. We've cut down our use of paper towels and using regular towels to clean up messes. There isn't a single light in this house that isn't energy effeient. We use our own grocery bags and when we don't have them with us, we'll say "no bag please."

I still thought there is more we could do. We planted a garden and am going to keep it organic. But I think I want to take it one step further and start a compost pile. This will help our garden and also reduce our waste. At first I thought it would smell bad but reading more and more about it, I realized it shouldn't if done right. So, I think this will be my next thing I want to build. Perhaps this time I'll just try to do it myself.

What ways do you try "greenify" your life?

1 comment:

Linda said...

I switched to a water bottle instead of bottled water. I'm buying more eco friendly cleaners too.