Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wednesday Ramblings... just a day late

  • The time change really kicked my butt. I'm trying my best to go to bed and wake up early but at the moment I'm not winning the battle.

  • I finally finished my portion of touch ups in KLM's room and the hallway. Now all that's left is the ceiling. I have a feeling I might be doing that part too.

  • I want to learn how to make a swaddle blanket. I found a site online to buy organic fabric for it. Now it's a matter of getting a hold of a pattern. Hopefully my mom can fix my sewing machine (AGAIN) so I can attempt making it.

  • I already raised my share for the Ronald McDonald Walk I signed up for. Thank you Apryl, Robyn and Frank for donating! I'm still accepting donations! :)

  • At the moment, I'm really enjoying work. I know all I do is play with data and it's utterly geeky but for some reason it's so much fun! Shhh, don't tell my boss I'm having fun at work!

  • We finally put in the garden. I have the sun burn to prove it. Now all I have to do is write about it on Learning to Sow.

  • We have the sofa people coming out to clean our new sofa. Apparently one of the puppies had an accident on it. Well, we tried to clean it but didn't work. Now it's time for the professionals to do it. Fingers crossed they do a good job and get rid of the problem.

  • I went to my first prenatal yoga class this week. Can you say killer? It was soo good that I even felt sore after! YEA!!!

  • I need to start walking more.

  • I can't wait to BBQ this weekend. I keep going back and forth what the first meal will be outside. Must be a big one since we have family coming over. Off to surf the nets for ideas!

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