Sunday, March 16, 2014

Winding down

What a crazy week! After expo west, I literally didn't have energy to do much other than survive the week. Let's see what we were up to:

 - colds and growth spurts
 - finally went to my boxing gym and worked out. Highlight of the week!!!!
 - apparently you cannot find halibut this time if year... Or at least this time of the month
 - garden is officially planted. This year we hope to have artichokes, tomatoes, lettuce, squash, onions , eggplant, and more.  
 - multiple ikea trips. This has resulted in impromptu backyard dining area makeover and multiple craigslist listings of old stuff to pay for it.
 - back on weight watchers as of Sunday night. I need something to keep me in check so I can get past this block I'm. Summer is coming and I have 3 pairs of shorts I can wear as of now. All my other ones are sitting there waiting. 
 - starting week 4 of T25 workouts. It's pretty good but need to start running and walking again. 

  That's about it. Nothing earth shattering. How was your week?

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