So this post is for me to come clean. Here is a run down of things I've been meaning to do:
- Run. A lot!
- Lose 10 lbs. I'm so not a person to look at the scale but seriously, I have two boxes of clothes that I really want to wear and while I love to shop, the lack of paychecks the past 6 weeks (due to maternity leave) kinda hindered that desire. Yes, I hit my prepregnancy weight (hit it end of September) but I guess things just aren't the same and need to tone and tighten up. Funny thing is I don't remember being that tight before the kupcake came along. Goal is to lose it by 1/1/11. Back on WW I go.
- Talk to my friends. One of them literally is DOWN THE STREET and do I talk to her? Nope, not for the past week. Must make a better effort there.
- Pull out the holiday decorations.
- Clean the floors, oy, they are diiirrrrttttyyy! Good thing kupcake isn't too mobile yet. Yes, she rolls around and scoots a little here and there, but right now she's more focused on this whole standing up and trying to walk thing. (She's only 5 months old!) I figure I have at least till Christmas till I have to worry about keeping clean floors.
- Find a nanny (will shoot off the questionaire today...promise)
- Finish doing inventory and get the store up and running (oh, we are opening a store, will talk more about that later).
- Probably more things but right now, I'm just drowning in these main things.