Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Friday!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Baby Wipe Challenge

If you've been following us here you would know we try our best to keep our waste down. Now with KLM on her way, we sat down and went through all the things we know would just build up in the landfill and would sit there for years to come. We scribbled a list of alternatives that would not only be reusable but also have a nice side effect of saving some cash.

From regular diapers to reusable ones to what we'll feed our child when it's time. We went through everything and while some suggestions we wrote down just were way out there, others were within reach. One of the things we decided was the diapers, we found them, we started to order them (a few here and there). When they came, we realized we just couldn't do the whole disposable wipe. You know me, I read all the benefits of them as well as cloth ones and honestly, just couldn't do it. So, comes the challenge. Yes, I could buy a grip of them but seriously, we're talking about wipes here, not something you are going to go show the world. The goal of my challenge is to make 100 wipes. Two ply, sewn together (if you follow me on twitter, you know my heartache on this part).

Last night I started the challenge and made two before I once again broke my machine. (I think all sewing machines hate me) Now I need a date end of this project. Hmmm... how bout the beginning of my third trimester? March 27, 2010. I will try to post here and there but am going to add a counter to keep track of my progress. Basically that's 3ish a day. I can do that... right?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Project 12 - February update #2

So far, I have to say this has been so much fun. Not just working on KLM's room, but just finishing projects that have been lurking in the background.

  • Get up to date on all our travel albums. (we make one album for every trip we take) Currently behind on 2-3.
    Done... except for NYC/Philly Trip (will do this week)
  • Finish our daughter's room (paint side table and her initials for her room)
  • Create a height chart to keep her measurements that we'll be able to take with us if we ever move. Done. What I like about this is that we'll be able to measure her when she's still little and can't stand. We can just put the chart on the floor and measure that way. Simple and gets the job done.

  • Figure out a backing to mini table to hide nasty cords in the living room. YUCK! Done. This was way to easy.

    Before (please excuse the cobwebs)

    After (All we used was a piece of black cardboard (that kids use for the science fair) and just cut a piece. Luckily I cut it very snug so it just fit perfectly without moving)

    I think since there are a few days left, I might tackle one more project... but this one might need some help from LMP's momma. I can sew, but just can't work a sewing machine. Does that make sense? It's the whole thread thing that just throws me for a loop. But today I will be googling some "how to thread a sewing machine" and hopefully I can figure out this whole bobbin situation I have going or what I like to call it: Bobbin-Gate.
  • Thursday, February 18, 2010

    Project 12 - February update #1

    All in all, I've been really good on staying on top of this month's theme. I even felt a little guilty for not much for last month's so the next two weeks, I've already made the week dinner menu and did the prep work for all of them.

  • Get up to date on all our travel albums. (we make one album for every trip we take) Currently behind on 2-3.
    Finally tackled our Cruise album, Costa Rica, and Hawaii. Only one left is the NYC/Philly trip we just got back from.
  • Finish our daughter's room (pain side table and her initials for her room)Finished her ititial's for her door:

    Here is the side table:

  • Create a height chart to keep her measurements that we'll be able to take with us if we ever move. Currently working on now
  • Figure out a backing to mini table to hide nasty cords in the living room. YUCK! Haven't touched this one yet.

    Overall, I'm pretty happy with this month and have really enjoyed it. Do any craft projects lately?

  • Tuesday, February 9, 2010

    Project 12 - February

    Well, better late then never right?

    This month's project is about being crafty! Time to tackle all those projects you keep saying you'll do. Scrapbooks need updating? Get to it! Want to refinish that end table? Bust out the sandpaper and get moving! Here are my personal goals this month:

  • Get up to date on all our travel albums. (we make one album for every trip we take) Currently behind on 2-3.
  • Finish our daughter's room (pain side table and her initials for her room)
  • Create a height chart to keep her measurements that we'll be able to take with us if we ever move.
  • Figure out a backing to mini table to hide nasty cords in the living room. YUCK!

    What types of things will you tackle this month?
